
'Special gifts' for Da Nang pediatric cancer patients on birthdays

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
April 08, 2024, 17:58 [GMT+7]

Every month, a team of volunteers from the project "One Picture, Many Hopes" organises a birthday party, called "birthday for you", for pediatric patients at the Da Nang Oncology Hospital, with the desire to bring joy and gives spiritual strength for them on their special days.

The joy of child patients at the Da Nang Oncology Hospital when the volunteer team of the project
The joy of child patients at the Da Nang Oncology Hospital at a birthday party organised by the volunteer team of the project "One Picture, Many Hopes". Photo: T.T

Gain spiritual strength

As part of the "One Picture, Many Hopes" project initiated by a group of young lecturers and the Youth Union organisation of Project Management Faculty of the Da Nang University of Science and Technology, the "birthday for you" activity has been held for 10 years.

Mr. Tran Duc Ban, 24, a manager of the team of volunteers, said that the purpose of the “birthday for you" activity was to bring joy and create more mental strength for pediatric patients.

With the participation of nearly 50 volunteers from schools in the city, the charity activity includes not only sweet candies but also vibrant musical performances to create laughter for child patients and their families.

Funding for the event mainly comes from volunteers and the community, demonstrating the spirit of consensus and sharing. Each member of the volunteer team takes on a specific role.

With the desire to light the fire of hope as well as give spiritual encouragement to child cancer patients, the volunteer team of the "One Picture, Many Hopes" project hopes that despite any challenges ahead, their birthday wishes will become a strong source of inspiration and motivation, thereby helping them overcome illness and continue their journey.

Tran Gia Huy, a 10-year-old pediatric patient at the hospital, expressed "I want to recover quickly from my illness so I can go back to school. After I get over my illness, I will try to study well to become a doctor and help other patients".

Phung Khanh An, 7 years old, happily said "Thank you guys for celebrating my birthday, I want to be cured soon so I can hang out with my parents".

Kindness encouragement

The volunteer project "One Picture, Many Hopes" is a testament to the power of each individual's compassion and empathy in the face of more difficult circumstances.

Behind every birthday party is a profound message about the importance of sharing, caring and spreading hope to less fortunate lives, while arousing love in the hearts of each participant and a sense of building a better community together.

Participating volunteers share a common desire to work together to make this world a better place. The joy and satisfaction after each activity is a valuable motivation to help them continue on the path of sharing love.

Student Tang Ngoc Duyen from the city-based Duy Tan University shared that she knew about the project through social networks so she signed up to be a volunteer. This is also the first time she has participated in a volunteer activity like this.

“Coming here, I see that these children are very disadvantaged compared to their peers, having to celebrate their birthdays in the hospital" she added.

Sharing the same opinion, student Tran Thi Tron from the Da Nang University of Science and Education remarked "The energy of the project has changed me in a positive direction, because the participation of the event not only brings smiles but also drops of sharing tears".

In addition to birthday celebrations, the project features many other activities such as sending love cards, beautiful flowers for friends, sharing with patients, singing for my patients, and cultural exchange activities in the hospital’s lobby and in the hospital rooms.

It can be said that the project has surpassed the limits of a temporary event and become part of efforts to support the spirit and health of patients, encouraging participation and contribution of the community to create a profound and sustainable human value chain.

Mr. Tran Duc Ban hopes that the project will become more widely known in the future, thereby attracting active support, help and kindness from young people.

Reporting by THUY TRANG - Translating by M.DUNG
