
21 turtles released back into the wild

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
June 25, 2019, 17:28 [GMT+7]

On Monday, 21 turtles with scientific names of Indotestudo elongate, Heosemys grandis and Manouria impressa were released back into the natural environment at the Dong Nghe Lake, Hoa Khuong Commune, Hoa Vang District, Da Nang by members from the Mobile Forest Ranger and Forest Fire Fighting and Prevention Team, and police officers from the Economic and Environmental Crime Investigation Division, in Cam Le District.

The turtles were released at the Dong Nghe Lake
The turtles were released at the Dong Nghe Lake

These turtles were bought by a man from Cam Le District’s Hoa Xuan Ward from an unidentified vendor with the initial purpose of setting them free. However, after being well aware about wildlife protection, he voluntarily handed over the animals to the local authorities in order to release them back into the wild.
