
14,000 Tet gifts to be given to disadvantaged people

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
November 25, 2019, 16:46 [GMT+7]

The Da Nang Red Cross Society recently launched the ‘Tet 2020 for the Poor and Agent Orange Victims’ campaign in the city to mark the 73rd founding anniversary of the Viet Nam Red Cross Society (23 November) and the International Volunteer Day (5 December).

Under the campaign, the municipal society and its chapters across the city will raise over 5 billion VND for giving a total of 14,000 Tet gifts to the poor, social policy families, Agent Orange victims, natural disaster-affected households, and those in need.

Representatives from the municipal Red Cross Society and the city’s branch of the Viet Nam Posts and Telecommunications Group (VNPT Da Nang) have signed an agreement on promoting the application of information and technology in managing and widely publicising the society’s activities across the city.

To mark the occasion, a website for humanitarian addresses has been developed and the site address is www.diachinhandaodanang.org.vn.

By MINH NGOC - Translated by MAI DUNG
